For a surly twelve-year-old on a trip to Manitoba with grandparents, temporary discomfort precedes the remarkable.
For a surly twelve-year-old on a trip to Manitoba with grandparents, temporary discomfort precedes the remarkable.
From a suburban American bathroom to a Japanese metalwork studio, a youthful penchant for rule-breaking gives way to curiosity about controlled experimentation.
With a far-reaching journey as a backdrop and Dylan as a soundtrack, a meditation on conscious and unconscious rules is a starting point for finding the permission to do the necessary work.
On a return trip to Japan after three months away, an expanse between present and former selves opens up, bringing with it a chance for reflection and a sense of rootedness in the present.
An unplanned sabbatical makes room for uncertainty and a transformed creative process. Rather than simply offering a break, the space opens out into a changed course entirely.
A drifter and street musician bends the rules in Freiburg. After being caught twice, on two different accounts, he finds his way to an unlikely bargain.
For an eager fifteen-year-old, a visit to relatives in Lebanon is characterized by hospitality, discovery, and bliss, followed by a fiery taste of culture shock.
On a beach in the Gulf of Thailand, a jarring encounter illustrates cultural difference in the extreme. Even a gesture, a smile, an interjection is dangerous when left untranslated.
Two paths cross unknowingly in a fleeting, memorable moment. Later, the discovery of the shared memory sheds new light on a shared present and future.